Hey, we’re Thera: The platform built for hiring and paying contractors, all over the world. We’ve got locally-compliant contracts in more than 150 countries—written to comply with local contracting laws in places like Israel.
The good news: Thera’s free until you pay your first contractor. Grabbing your contractor agreement costs you a grand total of $0. Hit the button belowto pick up your locally-compliant contract in Israel. It takes all of 2 minutes to sign up
You probably have questions. We’re here to answer them. Below, you’ll learn all the extra stuff you should probably know before putting together an independent contractor agreement for Israel.
Independent contractor agreements are important for a few reasons, especially in Israel. For one, they can help prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications about the scope of work and payment terms. Imagine how stressful it would be to realize your contractor didn't understand a key part of your project just before the deadline. Having everything in writing can help both sides stay on the same page and reach their goals without any major issues.
Spending a little bit of time on understanding the local rules and your contractor’s needs in Israel will likely be a saving grace in the long run.
Every contractor agreement in Israel (and, the rest of the world) can be broken up into two parts:
If you're thinking about hiring someone in Israel, you might be wondering if you should just hire them as an employee. But many remote businesses choose to go with an independent contractor agreement instead. Why? Well, for one thing, it's usually more efficient. Hiring an employee, especially if they'll be working remotely, can be a long and costly process. With a contractor agreement, you and the person you hire will have more flexibility to work together. Plus, if you need to get started on a project right away, it can be a big game changer.
Here are a few of the key things that make contractors different from employees in Israel:
At the end of the day, it's your call whether to hire an employee or a contractor. But hiring contractors is faster, more efficient, and typically less legally-complex. It’s what remote teams that use Thera do.
*With Thera, you can get your contractors access to sign up for premium global health insurance, from SafetyWing, at a 50% discount.
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