Working Hours
The working week in Mongolia is Monday to Friday.
The working day for commercial offices is usually eight hours. Lunch breaks are usually one hour.
Employee who has worked overtime or on the weekly rest days has not been compensated with other rest days, he shall be paid one and half times or more of his average remuneration.
It is prohibited to require a minor employee to perform overtime work or to work on public holidays or weekends.
If an employer has forced women or minors to perform a labour prohibited by law, or to lift or carry the load exceeding the prescribed limits, or has forced an employee under 18 years age to work in a working place harmful to his mental development and health or under abnormal or special conditions, or to perform overtime work or to work on public holidays or weekends, or has violated Section 74 of this law -i.e. an employee was compelled to work overtime - the state labour inspector shall fine that employer 15,000-30,000 to grogs;