Working Hours
The standard workweek is 38 hours.
Minimum employment conditions are outlined in the Fair Work Act, 2009 and Industrial Awards. Awards are either industry-based or occupation-based.
Employees covered by Awards are generally paid overtime. Most Awards provide for overtime to be paid for time worked in excess of 38 hours per week, or in excess of 10 hours per day. Overtime or a penalty is generally paid to Award based employees for work performed on a weekend or a public holiday.
If an employee is not an Award employee, they are considered to be “Award Free.” Award Free employees do not have a statutory right to be paid overtime.
However, such employees do have the right to work only 38 plus reasonable additional hours per week. There is no formal definition of what is “reasonable additional hours,” however, such employees are generally expected to work overtime hours that are necessary to complete the job they are employed to do.