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May 24, 2024

The impact of Brexit on hiring international contractors

As your business explores new markets and seeks talent from around the globe, you may find yourself navigating the complex labyrinth of international employment laws and regulations. This is where a Global Employment Organization (GEO) steps in. In this post, we'll delve into the role of a GEO in international contracting, illustrating its functions with practical examples.

The impact of Brexit on hiring international contractors

Akhil Reddy
May 5, 2023

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Key takeaways:

  1. Brexit has significantly impacted the hiring of international contractors in the UK, with changes to immigration rules, trade in services, and potential skills shortages.
  2. UK businesses may need to adapt to these changes by exploring new markets for contractors, investing in domestic skills development, or using digital platforms to facilitate remote international contract work.
  3. It's essential for UK businesses to seek specific legal and professional advice to understand how Brexit impacts their unique situation when hiring international contractors.

As your business explores new markets and seeks talent from around the globe, you may find yourself navigating the complex labyrinth of international employment laws and regulations. This is where a Global Employment Organization (GEO) steps in. In this post, we'll delve into the role of a GEO in international contracting, illustrating its functions with practical examples.

Brexit has significantly reshaped the United Kingdom's relationship with the European Union, and one area that has seen substantial change is the hiring of international contractors. In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of Brexit on this topic and provide some real-life examples to illustrate these effects.

Redefining Immigration Rules

Since Brexit, the UK's immigration rules have been overhauled. The EU's freedom of movement, which allowed EU citizens to live and work in the UK without needing a visa, no longer applies. Hiring EU contractors now involves more paperwork and legal procedures, similar to hiring contractors from non-EU countries.

For instance, imagine a UK-based tech company that frequently hired freelance software developers from France and Germany. Pre-Brexit, this process was straightforward since EU workers could freely accept contracts in the UK. Post-Brexit, these developers might require a visa to work in the UK, depending on their contract's nature and duration. This change can complicate the hiring process and may lead companies to reconsider their hiring strategies.

Trade and Service Provision Challenges

Brexit has also impacted trade in services, including contract work. The UK's departure from the EU means it's no longer part of the EU's single market, which previously enabled the frictionless provision of services across EU member states.

Take the example of a UK-based marketing consultancy that regularly contracted Dutch marketing strategists for specific campaigns. Pre-Brexit, these Dutch contractors could easily provide their services to the UK company under the EU's single market rules. Post-Brexit, new rules and regulations may apply, potentially making it more difficult or costly for the UK company to contract these Dutch professionals.

Facing Potential Skills Shortages

Another potential impact of Brexit is a skills shortage in the UK. With the end of freedom of movement, it may become more challenging for UK companies to access skilled workers from the EU. If fewer EU contractors are available or willing to work in the UK due to the new restrictions, UK companies may face a skills gap. This could potentially lead to increased competition for skilled contractors and higher costs for UK businesses.

For example, a UK architectural firm that regularly contracted skilled architects from Italy may now struggle to find the skills they need within the UK. They may need to invest more in sourcing and securing the services of such skilled international contractors, driving up their costs.

Adapting to the New Reality

Wrapping up, Brexit has undeniably changed the landscape for hiring international contractors in the UK. It has brought new challenges in terms of immigration rules, trade in services, and potential skills shortages. However, it's essential for UK businesses to adapt to these changes. This might involve exploring new markets for contractors outside the EU, investing in domestic skills development, or using digital platforms to facilitate remote international contract work.

The impact of Brexit on hiring international contractors varies significantly depending on the specific circumstances of the business and the sector in which they operate. Therefore, businesses should seek specific legal and professional advice to understand how Brexit impacts their unique situation.

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Elizabeth Wellington

Liz writes about business, creativity and making meaningful work. Say hello on Twitter or through her website.

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