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May 24, 2024

A guide to GDPR compliance for hiring international contractors

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has dramatically reshaped the way data is handled across every sector, from finance to recruiting. If you're hiring international contractors, especially in the European Union (EU), it's essential to understand and comply with GDPR. In this post, we'll guide you through the essential aspects of GDPR compliance when hiring international contractors, underpinning our explanations with practical examples.

A guide to GDPR compliance for hiring international contractors

Akhil Reddy
May 9, 2023

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Key takeaways:

  1. GDPR is a regulation enacted by the EU to protect its citizens' privacy and personal data. It impacts all businesses that collect or process the personal data of individuals within the EU, regardless of where the business is located.
  2. To comply with GDPR when hiring international contractors, you must obtain their explicit consent to process their data, collect only necessary data, keep it secure, and respect their rights over their data.
  3. GDPR compliance is not only about avoiding potential fines but also building trust with your contractors, which is invaluable in today's data-driven world.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has dramatically reshaped the way data is handled across every sector, from finance to recruiting. If you're hiring international contractors, especially in the European Union (EU), it's essential to understand and comply with GDPR. In this post, we'll guide you through the essential aspects of GDPR compliance when hiring international contractors, underpinning our explanations with practical examples.

Getting to Know GDPR

Introduced in 2018, the GDPR is a regulation enacted by the EU to protect its citizens' privacy and personal data. It impacts all businesses that collect or process the personal data of individuals within the EU, regardless of where the business is located. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines – up to €20 million or 4% of your global annual turnover, whichever is higher.

Let's imagine your U.S.-based company is hiring a contractor based in France. Even though your company isn't based in the EU, you'll be processing the personal data of an EU resident, and hence, GDPR applies.

Navigating GDPR Requirements for International Contractors

Consent and Transparency:

Under GDPR, you must inform contractors what data you're collecting, why you're collecting it, and how you'll use it. You must also obtain their explicit consent to process this data.

For example, during the hiring process, you might collect a contractor's resume containing personal information. You need to inform them that you're collecting this data to assess their suitability for the role and get their permission to do so.

Data Minimization and Limitation:

You should only collect data that's necessary for the hiring process, and you can only keep it for as long as it serves that purpose.

Consider a scenario where you collect a potential contractor's phone number for an interview. Once the interview process is over, and if you're not moving forward with the contractor, there's no need to keep that data. It should be properly deleted or anonymized.

Data Security:

You must ensure the personal data you collect is stored securely and take steps to prevent data breaches. If a breach does occur, you're required to report it to the relevant authorities within 72 hours.

Suppose you're storing contractors' data in a cloud database. You'll need to ensure this database is secure, perhaps by encrypting the data, restricting access, and regularly updating security protocols.

Contractors' Rights:

Contractors have the right to access their data, correct inaccuracies, object to processing, and request deletion of their data under certain circumstances. You must be prepared to honor these rights.

For instance, if a contractor from Spain requests to see all the data you have on them, you're obligated to provide this information. If they spot an error in their data, you must correct it. If they want their data deleted, you need to do so, provided there's no legitimate reason to keep it.

Achieving GDPR Compliance: A Manageable Task

GDPR compliance might seem overwhelming, but it's manageable with the right approach. Start by creating a clear data processing policy, be transparent with your contractors, keep their data secure, and respect their rights over their data.

Remember, GDPR is about respecting individuals' privacy rights. By complying with GDPR, you're not only avoiding potential fines but also building trust with your contractors, which is invaluable in today's data-driven world.

Note: This guide provides a general overview of GDPR compliance in the context of hiring international contractors. However, GDPR is complex, and its requirements can vary depending on specific circumstances. Therefore, it's recommended to consult with a legal expert or data protection officer to ensure full compliance.

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Elizabeth Wellington

Liz writes about business, creativity and making meaningful work. Say hello on Twitter or through her website.

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